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Sonst. PersonenDonohue, Chip (Hrsg.)
TitelFamily engagement in the digital age.
Early childhood educators as media mentors.
QuelleNew York: Routledge (2017), XXXIV, 292 S.Verfügbarkeit 
BeigabenIllustrationen; Literaturangaben
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN9781138100350; 9781138100367; 9781315657707 (E-Book)
SchlagwörterEarly childhood education; Computer-assisted instruction; Parent participation; Computers and children; Educational technology; Bildungstheorie; Bildungspraxis
AbstractIntroduction : setting the context : family engagement in the digital age / Chip Donohue -- Why media mentorship matters : equity in the 21st century / Lisa Guernsey -- Technology tools for family engagement : the role of diversity / KevinN Clark -- Why family engagement, technology and media mentors matter / Chip Donohue -- Developmentally appropriate technology integration / Sharon Hirschy -- Thinking, not stuff : re-imagining young children's engagement with technology and innovation / Jeremy Boyle, Melissa Butler and Junlei Li -- Logging in to family engagement in the digital age / M. ELena Lopez, Margaret Caspe and Heather Weiss -- Families, powered on : the power of nudges / Rafiq Dossani and Annamarie Auger -- What did Mister Rogers do? : Fred Rogers' approach to parent engagement / Junlei liUNLEI -- Weather forecasting in the digital age : changing childhoods / Kate Highfield -- Helping children and families develop healthy media habits / Kristy Goodwin -- Digital age family engagement : supporting parents as media mentors / Deovorah Heiner -- The mediatrician's advice for today's media mentors / Michael Rich and Kristelle Lavalee -- Selecting digital systems that facilitate family engagement and communication / Fran Simon -- Sharing media literacy approaches with parents and families / Faith Rogow and Cyndy Scheibe -- Family engagement strategies for all languages and cultures / Amaya Garcia and Karen Memeth -- Universal design for learning and assistive technology : ensuring every child belongs / Pamela Brillante -- Children's librarians as media mentors / Cen Campbell and Amy Koester -- Public media and learning at home : engaging families with transmedia / Chip Donohue with EDC/SRI, KBTC, WGBH AND WESTED -- New allies for the digital age : building a policy and research infrastructure to support media mentorship / Lisa Guernsey and Michael Levine.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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