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Erweiterte Literatursuche

Ariadne Pfad:


Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige

Autor/inn/enPeterson, Elizabeth; Wilson, Kathleen K.
InstitutionClemson Univ., SC. Inst. on Family and Neighborhood Life.
TitelA Literacy Check-Up for Lancaster County and Fort Lawn and Great Falls of Chester County.
Quelle(2001), (45 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAccess to Education; Adult Basic Education; Adult Literacy; Adult Programs; Basic Skills; Change Strategies; Community Surveys; Educational Change; Educational Demand; Educational Improvement; Educational Needs; Educational Quality; Educational Supply; Educational Technology; Focus Groups; Functional Literacy; Health Promotion; Integrated Curriculum; Literacy Education; Needs Assessment; Professional Development; Program Development; Publicity; Recruitment; Staff Development; Strategic Planning; Systems Approach; Volunteers; Workplace Literacy; South Carolina
AbstractA survey called the Literacy Check-Up was conducted in South Carolina's Lancaster and Chester Counties in April-May 2000. The survey was designed to identify existing literacy services, determine how well the area's existing literacy programs were meeting participants' needs, and determine the community's capacity for serving adults in need of literacy services. Of the 345 surveys originally mailed, 45 (15%) were completed (including 9 from agencies/organizations providing literacy services). The Literacy Check-Up also included two focus meetings. The types of programs being offered included basic skills, family literacy, parent training, English as a second language, life skills, and religious education. The area's adult learners represented a broad range of age, racial, and socioeconomic groups. Literacy program staffing levels were inadequate, given the known percentage of the adult population in the study area who are at the two lowest levels of literacy proficiency. The following five steps for improving the area's existing literacy services were identified: (1) build a literacy system; (2) develop more workplace and health literacy programs; (3) recruit and train additional volunteers and professionals; (4) make better use of technology; and (5) create awareness of literacy issues. Tables detailing area literacy services and five levels of literacy proficiency are appended. (Contains 17 endnotes.) (MN)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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