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Ariadne Pfad:


Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige

InstitutionEducation Commission of the States, Denver, CO.
TitelSecuring Our Future: The Report of the National Forum for Youth At Risk (Washington, D.C., December 10-12, 1987).
Quelle(1988), (57 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterStellungnahme; Tagungsbericht; Access to Education; Agency Cooperation; Conferences; Cooperative Planning; Dropout Prevention; Economic Factors; Educational Innovation; Educationally Disadvantaged; Elementary Secondary Education; High Risk Students; Holistic Approach; Mentors; Parent Participation; Public Schools; Student Needs
AbstractThis report is a summary of deliberations and strategy development at a forum focussed on the problems of youth at risk of not making a successful transition from school to adulthood. Twenty work groups came up with three priorities in dealing with the problems of at-risk youth: (1) address a child's education, social, health, and other needs together, rather than individually; (2) administrators, parents, teachers, and students must begin to solve problems cooperatively during the child's early years; and (3) curriculum and instructional approaches must be directed at helping all children succeed, including students who have different backgrounds and strengths. Suggested approaches to these problems varied, but adequate funding was seen as one requirement for any successful recommendation. Excerpts from 21 major speeches are included. Speakers included leaders in government, business, education, and labor. Several students who had been at risk of dropping out of school offered insight into the positive and negative elements of their educational systems. Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton, Massachusetts Governor Michael Dukakis, and a North Carolina schools superintendent described educational problems and programs in their states. Author Jonathan Kozol and Children's Defense Fund President Marian Wright Edelman linked U.S. education problems to poverty issues. Several federal officials discussed the changing demands for U.S. educational systems. National Education Association President Mary Hartwood Futrell discussed possible roles of administrators and business leaders in the dropout problem. Corporate officials offered ideas regarding the roles of technology and innovative programs in education. This document details five areas for helping at-risk students: early intervention, parental involvement, one-on-one mentoring, school restructuring, and interagency collaboration. (TES)
AnmerkungenECS Distribution Center, 1860 Lincoln Street, Denver CO 80295 (Order No. AR-88-3, $7.50).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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