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Autor/inn/enMartuza, Victor R.; Johns, David M.
TitelA Manual for the 3 Rs: Reading, Reflecting and Reacting. Instructional Model.
Quelle(1986), (77 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Unterricht; Lehrer; Citizenship Education; Class Activities; Classroom Environment; Communication Skills; Critical Thinking; Discussion (Teaching Technique); Educational Change; Educational Philosophy; Higher Education; Reading Instruction; Role of Education; Student Motivation; Teaching Methods; Teaching Models; Testing Problems
AbstractIn response to the negative learning environment found in most public schools today, a pedagogical method known as "The 3 Rs" (Reading, Reflecting, and Reacting) was developed to help schools produce active participants in a democratic and pluralistic society. Inspired by the literacy work of Paulo Freire, the method makes extensive use of small group discussion within the context of small and medium sized classes, and considers the role of student motivation to be very important. The technique, which involves the repeated application of a three-step procedure to each topic in a course, appears to promote the development of a variety of higher-order cognitive and affective student characteristics. The initial tryout of the method occurred in a University of Delaware course entitled "Sociological Foundations of Education," with an enrollment of 48. Interviews of the participants revealed an overwhelming amount of student agreement on the value of the technique in promoting many kinds of personal development and stimulating interest in topics initially thought to be boring. An independent course evaluation conducted by the Department of Educational Studies also revealed very positive student response. (Eleven references are attached, as well as a 27-page appendix, which includes materials, activities, and forms used in the initial tryout.) (ARH)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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