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Autor/inBender, Louis W.
InstitutionState Higher Education Executive Officers Association.; Education Commission of the States, Denver, CO. Inservice Education Program.
TitelA Third Version of the Community College: The Contract College--An Analysis for State Planners.
Quelle(1977), (27 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterStellungnahme; Access to Education; College Role; Community Colleges; Contract Training; Contracts; Delivery Systems; Higher Education; Intercollegiate Cooperation; Noncampus Colleges; Nontraditional Education; Shared Services; Student Needs; Two Year Colleges
AbstractThe evolution and role of the community college and three community college prototypes are considered, with emphasis directed to the contract community college. It is suggested that through their open door philosophy, community colleges respond to the public demand for access to postsecondary education and accommodate the lifelong learning needs of a pluralistic society. Three community college prototypes are described: the traditional campus-oriented institution, the without walls community college, and the most recent contract community college. The contract community college delivers its services through contracting with existent postsecondary institutions or organizations that either accommodate the students of the community college by having them occupy empty spaces in regular classes or design special courses of study and programs to serve the educational goals and needs of the community college student. Four contract community colleges are briefly described: the Union County Coordinating Agency in New Jersey is nonaccredited and nondegree-granting, while the Hudson Community College Commission in the same state is accredited and degree-granting. The Hudson group contracts with three senior institutions and a vocational/technical school and also employs part-time faculty to teach in its evening credit and noncredit programs. The John Wood Community College in Illinois operates on a common market approach very much like the Hudson model, and the Watsco Area Educational District in Oregon also provides services by contracting with community colleges. Advantages of the contract college for students served, for the local sponsor, and for the existent postsecondary education institutions are examined, along with concerns pertaining to authorization, accreditation, and the contract. (SW)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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