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Autor/inn/enGuilfoy, Vivian M.; Grothe, Mardell S.
InstitutionEducation Development Center, Inc., Newton, MA.
TitelFacilitating the Career Development of Home-Based Adults: The Home/Community-Based Career Education Model. Final Report. Volume III. Appendices.
Quelle(1976), (101 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdult Programs; Career Counseling; Career Education; Career Guidance; Community Programs; Counseling Services; Delivery Systems; Information Dissemination; Information Networks; Labor Force Nonparticipants; Measurement Instruments; Needs Assessment; Outreach Programs; Questionnaires; Resource Materials; Telephone Communications Systems; Rhode Island (Providence)
AbstractThis third volume of a three-volume final report contains appendixes related to the 3-year project to design, develop, and implement a comprehensive delivery system to meet the career-related information, guidance, and referral needs of home-based adults, those 16 and older neither working nor attending school on a full-time basis. Appendix A describes the project manuals, independent products, and films. Appendix B is comprised of data collection instruments used by the project, and appendix C presents the various occupational classification systems used in the analysis. (Volume 1 of the final report covers the nature, context, and products of the model. Volume 2 presents research and evaluation findings, with primary focus on home-based adults who used the career counseling service.) (TA)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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