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Sonst. PersonenBurcham, Mildred (Hrsg.)
InstitutionOregon State Board of Education, Salem. Oregon Small Schools Program.; Baker Intermediate Education District, OR.
TitelPacesetter for Small Schools. Report of a Summer Institute (Willamette University, Salem, Oregon, June 16-20, 1975).
Quelle(1975), (146 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterCareer Education; Decision Making; Guides; Institutes (Training Programs); Language Arts; Laws; Learning Laboratories; Legislation; Nontraditional Education; Reading Programs; Small Schools; Special Education; Speeches; Summer Programs; Vocational Education; Oregon
AbstractPresented in condensed form, this document represents the general and concurrent session presentations offered to 191 participants attending the 1975 Tenth Annual Small Schools Summer Institute held in Oregon. Identified as major speakers and resource people in attendance at the Institute are: representatives from nationally validated Title III projects, exemplary programs in Oregon, Oregon College of Education, and the State Department of Education. Major presentations include: "Message from Superintendent Verne A. Duncan"; "Pacesetter for Small Schools"; "Legal Survival Skills for Educators"; "Preventing Reading Failure"; "Developments in Special Education in Oregon"; and "Constructuve Rebellion". Among the concurrent presentations recorded here are speeches dealing with: law; teaching language arts; early childhood education guidelines and programs; new graduation requirements; minimum standards; budgeting and accounting; department of education guides; the metric system; 1975 legislation; school faculties and the decision making process; special vocational programs for small schools; career and community awareness; learning centers; aids for teachers of the handicapped; resources for learning disabled children; value clarification; alphaphonics; gaining support for innovative ideas; a communications curriculum; and model career education reports. (JC)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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