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Autor/inChesbro, Robert
TitelUsing Interactive Science Notebooks for Inquiry-Based Science
QuelleIn: Science Scope, 29 (2006) 7, S.30-34 (5 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterMiddle School Students; Teaching Methods; Science Instruction; Writing Across the Curriculum; Teaching Styles; Metacognition; Literacy; Constructivism (Learning); Student Journals; Inquiry; Teacher Student Relationship; Classroom Communication; Grade 8; Secondary School Science; Writing Skills
AbstractThe interactive science notebook (ISN) is a perfect opportunity for science educators to encapsulate and promote the most cutting-edge constructivist teaching strategies while simultaneously addressing standards, differentiation of instruction, literacy development, and maintenance of an organized notebook as laboratory and field scientists do. Students then have a packaged notebook representing all of their learning throughout the year. Tailoring the notebook concept and setup to his own teaching style and the inquiry-based Carolina "Science and Technology Concepts for Middle Schools" modules used by his district, the author describes the ISN he used in his eighth-grade classroom. Regardless of the form it takes in the classroom, the ISN is an extremely effective constructivist innovation in enhancing general learning through the encouragement of writing across the curriculum, personalization, and metacognition strategies, while simultaneously serving to promote more specific inquiry-based science instruction by which students focus, experiment, reflect, and apply based on their personal connections to learning. (Contains 4 figures.) (ERIC).
AnmerkungenNational Science Teachers Association. 1840 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, VA 22201-3000. Tel: 800-722-6782; Fax: 703-243-3924; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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