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Autor/inShyman, Eric
TitelReclaiming our children, reclaiming our schools.
Reversing privatization and recovering democracy in America's public schools.
QuelleLanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Education (2017)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN9781475829891; 9781475829907; 9781475829914
SchlagwörterUSA; Public schools; United States; Privatization in education; School improvement programs; Democracy and education; Bildungsgeschichte
AbstractHow we got here: education reform in a nutshell -- Meeting the real standards: assimilation and the middle class ethic -- Public peril and corporate promise: civil rights, school choice and the panacea of privatization -- One nation under corporatization: the government and the lucrative neoliberal market -- Building a foundation for fabrication: the rise of the charter school and its tacit failure to deliver -- Local kids, local control: crafting the decentralization of schooling across the world -- Real value added: truly respecting teachers and educationists in education reform policymaking -- Appreciation, education, innovation: the finnish example of teacher preparation and training -- Power without dominance: the governance of schools through democratic participatory and expert decision making processes -- Letting the teachers teach: nurturing respect and trust for teachers and the teaching profession -- Citizenship: a local and global necessity for a true value to schooling -- A place for everyone: culturally responsive teaching -- Real partnerships, real choice: uniting students, teachers, and parents to effect genuine community investment -- Building the school to society pipeline: a strong public school system as an alternative to mass incarceration -- The parameters of earnestness: essential elements for true change.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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