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Autor/inFoley, Ellen
InstitutionBrown Univ., Providence, RI. Annenberg Inst. for School Reform.
TitelDeveloping Effective Partnerships To Support Local Education.
Quelle(2002), (13 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAccountability; Administrative Change; Administrative Organization; Community Involvement; Educational Equity (Finance); Elementary Secondary Education; Outcomes of Education; Partnerships in Education; School Community Relationship; School Districts; School Support; Services; Urban Schools
AbstractThis paper describes the vision and goals of the School Communities That Work task force. This group envisions a new kind of school district: the local education support system. It marshals all of a city's resources to provide schools, students, and teachers with needed support and timely interventions; ensures that schools have the power and resources to make good decisions; and makes decisions and holds people throughout the system accountable with indicators of school and district performance and practices. The task force identified two approaches to forming effective partnerships in education, including assessing and aligning partner services to promote both results and equity, and considering all partners' current activities and future plans from a youth engagement and development perspective. Although these approaches are common to effective partnerships, they need strong, consistent leadership to sustain them. They also must begin with the desired results in mind, build civic capacity, distribute accountability among partners, make good use of data, be honest about partners' individual needs and resources, seek out and listen to students, form meaningful relationships with parents, and pool resources. Continuation of the system is achieved when partners reach out to new members and develop long-term structural and institutional supports. (RT)
AnmerkungenSchool Communities That Work, 895 Broadway, 5th Floor, New York, NY 10003. Tel: 212-375-9627; Fax: 212-375-9427. Annenberg Institute for School Reform, Brown University, Box 1985, Providence, RI 02912. Tel: 401-863-1897; Fax 401-863-1290; Web site: For full text:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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