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Autor/inn/enGinsburg, Mark B.; und weitere
TitelNational and World-System Explanations of Educational Reform.
Quelle(1989), (42 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterChange Strategies; Conflict Resolution; Decision Making; Educational Change; Educational Improvement; Educational Policy; Educational Quality; Elementary Secondary Education; Global Approach; International Education; Problem Solving
AbstractVarious theoretical approaches for explaining both the timing and focus of educational reform efforts, are discussed. Both national-level and world-system explanations as well as some suggestions for combining the contributions of both levels of analysis are examined. Additionally with respect to both levels of analysis, explanations from equilibrium perspectives are contrasted with those from conflict perspectives. The concept of the state is also given attention. The concept of educational reform as a form of social interaction in economic, cultural, and political context is developed. Besides being oriented to theory building as a scholarly activity and to comparative analysis as a basis for informing policy, the objective is to identify and clarify a number of issues to facilitate understanding of and plan for progressive action with respect to current and future reform movements. (79 references) (SI)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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