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Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige

Autor/inGradisnik, Anthony
InstitutionMilwaukee Public Schools, WI. Div. of Curriculum and Instruction.
TitelHelping Parents Learn a Second Language with Their Children: French.
Quelle(1980), (124 Seiten)
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Spracheenglisch; französisch
Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Dialogs (Language); Elementary Education; FLES; French; Immersion Programs; Parent Student Relationship; Pronunciation; Second Language Learning; Supplementary Reading Materials
AbstractThis booklet is presented as a guide for parents of elementary school French language students who wish to learn the language along with their children. Divided into seven sections, the booklet presents: (1) language learning hints; (2) pronunciation help including practice in the repetition of phonemes and stress and rhythm patterns; (3) conversation capsules (small dialogs and a selection of drawings to accompany the texts) permitting parents to converse with their children about daily household, school, and community activities; (4) useful expressions for the descriptions of the physical environment, personal feelings, and individuals, and for asking questions and directions and giving commands; (5) a list of "passwords" or expressions to accompany those the child learns in class; and (6) the words to a number of French songs and rhymes included in the child's French language training. Also included are recommendations for French books to be used in the home to supplement the child's school learning. The booklet can be used with two cassette tapes that correspond to the sections presented above. (JK)
AnmerkungenForeign Languge Curriculum Specialist, Milwaukee Public Schools, P.O. Drawer 10K, Milwaukee, WI 53201 (for information on tapes).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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