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Autor/inVincent, Aimee E.
TitelTacit Knowledge, Reading Practices, and Visual Rhetoric: A Feminist Application of Eye Tracking and Stimulated Recall Methods on Comic Books
QuelleIn: Composition Forum, 49 (2022)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterKnowledge Level; Reading Processes; Cartoons; Visual Stimuli; Feminism; Eye Movements; Interviews; Video Technology; Gender Issues; College Students
AbstractDiscourse-based interviews (DBIs) uncover tacit knowledge within written composing processes. Existing visual research methodologies offer tools for a necessary expansion of DBI to the study of tacit knowledge in visual and multimodal texts. This article outlines a feminist application of eye tracking as a visual research method used in combination with stimulated recall interviews to study tacit knowledge within college students' reading practices of comic books. Study participants read excerpts from two female superhero comics while eye tracking equipment recorded their eye movements. In a later interview, participants watched video clips of their recorded eye movements overlaid on the comic book excerpts and reconstructed their reading processes. This article summarizes major findings from the study, including impacts of rhetorical genre expertise, gender, and comics culture on participants' reading practices. The study demonstrates that eye tracking combined with stimulated recall interviews uncovered tacit knowledge that participants accessed as they read comics. (As Provided).
AnmerkungenAssociation of Teachers of Advanced Composition. e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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