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Autor/inAshby, Cornelia M.
InstitutionGeneral Accounting Office, Washington, DC.
TitelOffice of Federal Student Aid: Better Strategic and Human Capital Would Help Sustain Management Progress. Report to Congressional Committees. GAO-05-31
Quelle(2004), (59 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterQuantitative Daten; Human Capital; Student Financial Aid; Federal Aid; Federal Government; Public Agencies; Government Employees; Accountability; Performance; Administration
AbstractIn 2003, the Department of Education's Office of Federal Student Aid (FSA) managed about $60 billion in new financial aid. In 1998, the Congress designated FSA as a performance-based organization. In so doing, it specified purposes for the agency, such as to reduce program costs and increase accountability of its officials, and provided flexibilities such as allowing FSA to pay bonuses. Also FSA is required to annually prepare a performance plan and report and have performance agreements for its senior officials. Past reviews revealed serious problems and concerns about FSA's management. In January 2003, GAO reported that FSA had made progress but had not sufficiently addressed some key management issues. Also, GAO noted that FSA, like other agencies needed to address human capital issues. GAO assessed FSA's progress in (1) addressing key management issues and meeting requirements for planning and reporting, and (2) developing a human capital strategy and increasing the accountability of its officials. Appendixes include scope and methodology, human capital analysis, recommendations, definitions, and agency comments. (ERIC).
AnmerkungenU.S. Government Accountability Office, 441 G Street NW, Room LM, Washington, DC 20548. Tel: 202-512-6000; TDD: 202-512-2537; Fax: 202-512-6061.
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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