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InstitutionGeneral Accounting Office, Washington, DC. Program Evaluation and Methodology Div.
TitelWomen's Educational Equity Act. A Review of Program Goals and Strategies Needed. Report to Congressional Requesters.
Quelle(1994), (45 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAccess to Education; Affirmative Action; Civil Rights; Educational Opportunities; Equal Education; Equal Protection; Females; Feminism; Justice; Sex Discrimination; Sex Fairness; Womens Education; Womens Studies
AbstractThis report reviews the U.S. Department of Education's Women's Educational Equity Act (WEEA) Program. First authorized by Public Law 93-380, the Education Amendments of 1974, this program awards grants and contracts to eligible recipients for interventions to: (1) provide educational equity for women; (2) help educational institutions meet the requirements of Title IX of the Education amendments of 1972 prohibiting sex discrimination in all educational institutions receiving federal funds; and (3) provide educational equity for women and girls who suffer multiple discrimination based on sex and on race, ethnic origin, disability, or age. There are four basic questions addressed in the report: (1) What interventions were implemented, by whom, for what audiences, and at what costs, and did these activities continue beyond the grant period?; (2) Did these activities hold promise of promoting educational equity for women, and did they reflect the requirements of the legislation?; (3) How was information about the interventions disseminated, and what lessons do these activities hold for future efforts to spread information widely in this field?; and (4) How did changes in program administration affect the ability of the WEEA Program to achieve its legislative purposes? This study reviews activities funded under WEEA between 1986 and 1991. This report also discusses changes in the WEEA Program that were recently enacted as part of the Improving American's Schools Act of 1994. (EH)
AnmerkungenU.S. General Accounting Office, P.O. Box 6015, Gaithersburg, MD 20884-6015 (first copy, free; $2 each additional copy; 100 or more copies discounted 25 percent).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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