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Autor/inn/enJoyce, Marilyn; und weitere
InstitutionMaine Center for Educational Services.
TitelAn Interdisciplinary Approach to Teaching the Research Process Using Information Technology.
Quelle(1993), (24 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Biology; Course Integrated Library Instruction; Disease Control; Educational Technology; English; Genetics; High School Students; High Schools; Information Literacy; Information Technology; Interdisciplinary Approach; Librarians; Media Specialists; Periodicals; Prevention; Research Skills; Search Strategies; Teaching Methods; Writing Skills
AbstractThe interdisciplinary approach to the research process using information technology as implemented for sophomores at Stearns High School in Millinocket (Maine) integrates information skills and technology into biology and English curricula by helping students overcome obstacles encountered in the presearch or planning phase of the research process. After an introductory unit on genetics, each student selects a topic related to his family medical history and disease prevention. Each student uses information technologies to formulate a central research question and then to organize and conduct the search. Seven teachers work with about 100 students during this unit. The library media specialist serves as a facilitator. Because other schools might consider adopting this approach, program goals and outcomes are described, with specific procedures and instructions for program implementation. At Stearns High School, InfoTrac is the electronic magazine index used. The interdisciplinary approach teaches students how to use the research process to develop a plan for a healthy lifestyle as it improves writing skills and teaches the value of information technology. Five handouts complement the discussion. (Contains 2 references.) (SLD)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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