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Autor/inEwell, Peter T.
InstitutionNational Center for Higher Education Management Systems, Boulder, CO.; College Entrance Examination Board, New York, NY.
TitelConducting Student Retention Studies.
Quelle(1984), (115 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; College Students; Data Collection; Dropout Research; Guidelines; Higher Education; Information Systems; Information Utilization; Institutional Research; Longitudinal Studies; Questionnaires; Research Design; School Holding Power; Student Attitudes; Student Attrition
AbstractTechniques for conducting student-attrition studies using the Student-Outcomes Information Service (SOIS) are outlined. General concepts to effectively guide an institutional research effort are discussed, with attention to better defining student attrition and a summary of results of recent research on the reasons why students withdraw from college. The design of a simple student-tracking system built around ongoing registration data is addressed, along with how SOIS survey instruments can considerably enhance the student-tracking system by providing longitudinal data on student attitudes and achievements. In addition, techniques for conducting a mailed survey to nonreturning students using the SOIS Former-Student Questionnaire are covered. Such techniques include identifying dropouts, ensuring usable response rates, estimating costs, and analyzing results. Finally, ways of using the results of retention research to design and inform more effective retention programs are examined. Appendices include a planning chart for administering mailed questionnaires, a guide to using the SOIS Questionnaire-Analysis Service, sample reports and cover letters, and copies of the SOIS Former-Student Questionnaire in two- and four-year versions. (SW)
AnmerkungenNational Center for Higher Education Management Systems, P.O. Drawer P, Boulder, CO 80302 ($10.00).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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