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Autor/inn/enKaufman-Everett, Ileen N.; Backlund, Philip M.
TitelA Descriptive Study on the Efficacy of Orientation Programs for Novice Instructors.
Quelle(1980), (12 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterTagungsbericht; Educational Research; Higher Education; School Surveys; Speech Communication; Teacher Attitudes; Teacher Education; Teacher Education Curriculum; Teacher Orientation; Teaching Assistants
AbstractA survey of graduate teaching assistants and associate instructors at 102 graduate speech communication departments provided information on the amount, type, and assessment of orientation programs currently available to novice instructors. Of the 1,246 graduate students who were polled, 352 supplied data. Only 2.6% of these teaching assistants (TAs) did not have teaching responsibilities. Of the remaining 343 TAs, 20.4% were not required to take part in instructional training/orientation programs, while 60.6% were required to have such training before taking over a class. The study revealed that more than half of the orientation programs were of rather short duration (less than a full quarter or semester), and that the amount and type of such training correlated to the amount of responsibility apportioned to the TA. Discussions about problem situations, evaluation methods, and techniques of critiquing student presentations were included in the vast majority of the teacher training programs. On the other hand, discussions on lecture methods, lesson plans, learning models, and experiential methods were included in only one-third to two-fifths of all orientation courses. Although 41.1% considered their programs as adequate, slightly more than one-half the TAs did not feel sufficiently trained for their emerging roles as teachers. (RL)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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