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Autor/inSullivan, Arthur F.
InstitutionWorcester Public Schools, MA.
TitelA Proposed Plan for Establishing a Cost Reduction Program and Monitoring System for the Worcester Public Schools.
Quelle(1973), (36 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterBudgeting; Cost Effectiveness; Costs; Educational Finance; Educational Planning; Information Systems; Management Information Systems; Program Descriptions; Program Proposals; School Districts; Systems Approach
AbstractThis report recommends the formal organization of a cost reduction program for a school system, outlines a structure, and suggests some techniques for implementation. It defines a cost reduction program as a formal, systematic effort of major status designed by an organization to keep its operating costs at a minimum, while providing predetermimed quality products and services. It suggests that such a program is valuable to management even if costs are not excessive and individual organizational units observe normal concern in controlling expenditures. The report considers the purposes and functions of a cost reduction program and the responsibility for and the methods of program implementation. It details the structure of the program committee and explains the program's monitoring and reporting systems. The document also considers some specific techniques with cost reduction implications for school systems, and provides a manual of regulations for cost reduction and estimated costs and a time schedule for program implementation. (Author/DN)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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