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Sonst. PersonenCraig, Cheryl J. (Hrsg.); Turchi, Laura (Hrsg.); McDonald, Denise M. (Hrsg.)
TitelCross-Disciplinary, Cross-Institutional Collaboration in Teacher Education.
Cases of Learning and Leading. 1st ed. 2020.
QuelleCham: Springer International Publishing (2020), XXXV, 391 S.
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ReihePalgrave Studies on Leadership and Learning in Teacher Education
BeigabenIllustrationen 14; farbige Illustrationen 12
Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Monographie
ISBN978-3-030-56673-9; 978-3-030-56674-6; 978-3-030-56675-3; 978-3-030-56676-0
SchlagwörterBildung; Erziehung; Bildungsmanagement; Schule; Schulverwaltung; Unterricht; Hochschulbildung; Hochschulsystem
AbstractThis book focuses on the impact of sustained and evolving collaborations, showcasing research and scholarship in a faculty group-consisting of 28 professors from five regional universities-meeting and supporting each other since 2002. Originally an innovation introduced by Cheryl J. Craig and funded by a reform movement, the Faculty Academy continues to flourish in the fourth largest city in America long after the reform initiative abandoned its charge. Contributors to this volume represent all stages of careers, include all races and genders, and write from a multiplicity of disciplinary stances (literacy, mathematics, science, social education, multiculturalism, English as a Second Language, accountability, etc.). In addition to fascinatingly diverse perspectives on teacher education, the authors also investigate issues related to career trajectories-including experiences of vulnerability. The volume illuminates how the Faculty Academy works as a dynamic academic and social bond: not only as a glue that binds members in community, but also in rigorous intellectual commitments that fuel their collective knowing and advance their careers while providing leadership, mentorship, and modelling in up-close and timely ways. Contents: 1. Cross-Disciplinary, Cross-Institutional Collaboration in Teacher Education: Cases of Learning and Leading -- 2. Faculty Academy: A New Version of an Established Concept of Collaboration -- 3. Reflecting on Growth and Change: The Persistence of the Faculty Academy (2002-2020) -- 4. Involvement in a Professional Community Yields Unexpected Skills: Faculty Academy Members' Stories of Leadership and Learning -- 5. The Mentor-Mentee Faculty Relationship: Cases of Reciprocal Learning and Leading -- 6. Fear, Fellowship, and Finding a Voice: An Autobiographical Narrative of Being and Becoming in an Established Research Community.-7. Musings on the Sidelines: Leadership and Learning during the Tenure-Track Experience -- 8. Bridging the East and the West: Reflection on Learning, Leading and Life -- 9. Longstanding Lessons of Propriety as a Leader -- 10. Introverts as Leaders: How Involvement in a Professional Learning Community Can Facilitate Development of Skills -- 11. Resiliency and Women: The Journey to Academic STEM Leadership -- 12. Leading from the Shadows: School Librarian Leadership -- 13. Learning through Co-Teaching as Critical Friends -- 14. Learning and Leading as Teacher Researchers -- 15. Learning and Leading as Collaborative Physics Education/Physics Partners: Building a Physics Teacher Education Program -- 16. teachHOUSTON alumni: Agents of Change in Secondary STEM Education -- 17. Discovering Stories Data Might Be Telling: Collaborative Research as Leadership, and Lessons Learned in Promoting A Culture of Evidence -- 18. Sustaining Critical Practice in Contested Spaces: Teacher Educators Resist Narrowing Definitions of Curriculum -- 19. Generous Scholarship: A Counternarrative for the Region and the Academy -- 20. The Faculty Academy in Review: What, So What, Now What? -- .
Erfasst vonUniversitätsbibliothek der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
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