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Sonst. PersonenMidford, Richard (Hrsg.); Nutton, Georgie (Hrsg.); Hyndman, Brendon (Hrsg.); Silburn, Sven (Hrsg.)
TitelHealth and Education Interdependence.
Thriving from Birth to Adulthood. 1st ed. 2020.
QuelleSingapore: Springer Singapore (2020), X, 343 S.
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BeigabenIllustrationen 14; farbige Illustrationen 2
Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Monographie
ISBN978-981-15-3958-9; 978-981-15-3959-6; 978-981-15-3960-2; 978-981-15-3961-9
SchlagwörterBildung; Forschung; Bildungssoziologie; Bildungspolitik; Public Health; Medizin; Lebensqualität; Politik; Staat
AbstractThis book explores the interdependence of health and education, and how optimising this important relationship provides the foundation for achieving improved life outcomes from birth into adulthood. Adopting a multi-disciplinary approach, it draws on bio-medical, epidemiological, educational, psychological and economic evidence to demonstrate the benefits of the reflexive, positive associations between good health and educational attainment over the life course. In this, it offers readers insights into the complex nature of the nexus between health and education and how this relationship influences development. Health and Education Interdependence: Thriving from Birth to Adulthood is essential reading for education and health researchers and policymakers, teachers and public health and health promotion practitioners, as well as students studying in these fields. Contents: Part 1: Understanding the Interplay Between Health And Education in Child Development -- Chapter 1. A Preview of How Health and Education Interact to Influence The Course of a Child's Development -- Chapter 2. The Social Determinants that Shape the Relationship Between Health and Education During a Child's Development -- Chapter 3. The Importance of Physical Health: The Impact of Otitis Media on Hearing Loss and Education Outcomes -- Part 2: Perinatal to Preschool: Health and Development during the Early Years -- Chapter 4. Attachment Security: Influences on Social and Emotional Competence, Executive Functioning and Readiness for School -- Chapter 5. Children on the Edge: Starting School with Additional Health and Developmental Needs -- Chapter 6. Children Who Can Guess What's in the Teacher's Head: Understanding Engagement in Schooling from a Sociocultural Perspective -- Chapter 7. Life-Long Benefits of High Quality Preschool Experiences -- Chapter 8. The Child, Between School, Family and Community: Understanding the Transition to School for Aboriginal Children in the Australian Northern Territory -- Part 3: Health and School Success: The Primary Years -- Chapter 9. Nutrition And Learning in the Australian Context -- Chapter 10: Physical Activity and Learning -- Chapter 11. Social And Emotional Learning and Resilience Education -- Chapter 12. Building Emotional Safety for Students in School Environments: Challenges and Opportunities -- Part 4: Continuing the Journey: Health and Success in High School -- Chapter 13. Who Am I? The Role of Health Promotion and School Education in Young People's Sexual Health and Wellbeing -- Chapter 14. Taking a Skills Focused, Harm Minimisation Approach to School Drug Education -- Part 5: Life-Long Implications of the Health Education Nexus -- Chapter 15. Health Literacy Across the Life Course: Understanding the Influence of Culture and Gender -- Chapter 16. The Role of Epigenetics in Shaping the Foundations of Children's Learning -- Chapter 17. Drawing it Together: Understanding the Interaction of Health and Education in the Development Trajectory.
Erfasst vonUniversitätsbibliothek der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
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