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Autor/inGörgüt, Ilyas
TitelValues Education and Physical Education in Turkey
QuelleIn: International Education Studies, 11 (2018) 3, S.18-28 (11 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterForeign Countries; Values Education; Physical Education; Content Analysis; Qualitative Research; Sciences; National Curriculum; Educational Policy; Turkey
AbstractIn the 21st century, science and technology have led to so many negative situations as well as positive developments for humanity. These negativities also affect human beings in a very intense way and in a natural result of this, people affect other's livings negatively. The general belief that the decelerating the events, actions and moral corruptions which lead to missing the peace of communities and the abolition of this negative situation will be ensured only by the development of the values which the individual possesses. Also states are taking precautions and making plans for this issue. So, value education in many countries has recorded a rapid acceleration in recent years. In Turkey, there are also some sections which have theoretical course curriculum and some scientific activities about values. However, it is considered that development in value and value education concepts are not enough and the applied courses such as physical education and sports, which aim to improve the individual as a whole, do not take place as much as within the scope of value education. For this reason, it is aimed to establish a point of view in the light of the works done in the Turkish science literature and the activities carried out by the related stakeholders for value education. Research was prepared as a document analysis form. Resources related to the physical education and value education in Turkey were collected and general evaluations were made through the obtained data and finally some suggestions were made. (As Provided).
AnmerkungenCanadian Center of Science and Education. 1120 Finch Avenue West Suite 701-309, Toronto, ON M3J 3H7, Canada. Tel: 416-642-2606 Ext 206; Fax: 416-642-2608; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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