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Autor/inPoole, Jesse
TitelAssessing the Effectiveness of Targeted Intrusive Advising and Student Success Using an Early Intervention Program
Quelle(2015), (20 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterCollege Students; Rural Schools; At Risk Students; Academic Advising; Intervention; Comparative Analysis; Correlation; Program Implementation; Program Effectiveness; Faculty Advisers; Oregon
AbstractThe institution in this study is a medium size, public liberal arts institution located in a rural setting. At the beginning of Fall 2012 term, 5,366 undergraduate and 922 graduate students were enrolled in the university's ten-week quarter system. In an attempt to increase student success and retention, the institution implemented a student success initiative. This initiative used an early alert and intervention program to prompt targeted intrusive advising appointments with students marked at-risk by faculty or staff. A student success analysis based on student contact was conducted to identify any correlations between the population of students who responded and received an intervention, compared to the population that did not respond. Seven hundred and thirty two requests for intervention were submitted between the Winter of 2013 and the Spring of 2014 (excluding summer session); averaging 146 referrals per term. In total, 672 students were referred using the early alert system. Of the 672, the university intervened with 279 students (42%); 393 did not respond to intervention requests (58%), which is a consistent response rate when compared to other early alert research (Dobele, Gangemi, Kopanidis, & Thomas, 2013; Hudson, 2006). When evaluating the student population that received an intervention, 137 of the 279 were considered successful or 49%. One hundred and thirty one (47%) did not demonstrate positive academic progress and 11 (4%) were considered neutral. The population of students that did not respond showed an increased level of negative academic progression. Of the 672 referred students, 393 did not respond to a request for intervention and 52%, or 204, did not demonstrate positive academic progress. Additionally, only 41%, or 161, were considered successful and 7% (28) were considered neutral. In contrast, the student population that received an intervention had a 49% success rate; a success rate difference of 8%. (As Provided).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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