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Autor/inToothaker, Charles R.
InstitutionDepartment of the Interior, Bureau of Education (ED)
TitelEducational Work of the Commercial Museum of Philadelphia. Bulletin, 1920, No. 13
Quelle(1921), (37 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterTeaching Methods; Museums; Industrial Education; Industry; Agricultural Education; Exhibits; Manufacturing Industry; Foreign Countries; International Trade; Pennsylvania
AbstractIn industrial circles today the sciences and other subjects of a distinct practical nature are looked upon as more important than dead languages and classics; and as a result, technical trade, manual training, and commercial schools and colleges have increased in number, and added emphasis has been made in all schools on commerce and industries. Methods of instruction have materially changed and objects and pictures are considered essential factors in many courses of study. Museums are an efficient aid in this method of teaching, but they have been utilized more especially in teaching arts and natural sciences, rather than in the study of geography, commerce, and industry. It was not until the establishment of the commercial museum that the latter subjects were illustrated in such a manner as to be useful for educational or commercial purposes. This bulletin studies the work done by the commercial Museum of Philadelphia, which is carried on by two distinct departments--that of exhibits and that of the foreign trade bureau. The former has charge of the collection and exhibition of products illustrating American resources and those of other countries, and the educational work of the museum. The foreign trade bureau has for its object the development of the international commerce of the United States. It does this by encouraging individual manufacturers who are equipped for this business to seek new markets for their wares in foreign countries and by assisting them in inaugurating and developing this trade. (Contains 1 footnote and 22 illustrations.) [Best copy available has been provided.] (ERIC).
AnmerkungenBureau of Education, Department of the Interior.
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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