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InstitutionNational Science Foundation, Washington, DC. National Science Board.
TitelScience and Engineering Indicators, 2008. Volume 1. NSB-08-01
Quelle(2008), (588 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterQuantitative Daten; Engineering Education; Research and Development; Elementary Secondary Education; Technological Advancement; Labor Force; Science Education; Mathematics Education; Higher Education; Competition; Economics; Technology; Sciences; State Programs; Comparative Analysis; International Trade; Global Approach; Attitudes; Industry; Statistical Data; Outcomes of Education; Research Methodology; Statistical Analysis
AbstractThis report contains analyses of key aspects of the scope, quality, and vitality of the Nation's science and engineering enterprise and global science and technology. The report presents information on science, mathematics, and engineering education at all levels; the scientific and engineering workforce; U.S. and international and development performance of competitiveness in high technology; and public attitudes and understanding of science and engineering. A chapter on state-level science and engineering presents state comparisons on selected indicators. An Overview chapter of this report distills selected key themes emerging from the eight chapters of Volume 1 of the two-volume publications. Volume 1 provides the main text content and Volume 2 presents the detailed tabular data. Chapters in Volume 1 include: Overview (Robert K. Bell, Rolf Lehming, and Alan I. Rapoport); (1) Elementary and Secondary Education (Martha Naomi Alt, Xianglei Chen and Jennifer Laird); (2) Higher Education in Science and Engineering (Joanne S. Burreli and Terry S. Woodin); (3) Science and Engineering Labor Force (Mark C. Regets); (4) Research and Development: National Trends and International Linkages (John E. Jankowski, Francisco A. Moris, Brandon Shackeflord, and Raymond M. Wolfe); (5) Academic Research and Development (Ronda Britt, Joanne S. Burreli, Lawrence Burton, Leslie Christovitch, and Alan I. Rapoport); (6) Industry, Technology, and the Global Marketplace; (7) Science and Technology: Public Attitudes and Understanding (Robert K. Bell); and (8) State Indicators (Paula C. Dunnigan and Craig A. Palovchik). An appendix contains methodology and statistics. Each chapter consists of front matter (tables of contents and lists of sidebars, text tables, and figures), highlights, an introduction (chapter overview and organization), a narrative synthesis of data and related contextual information, a conclusion, notes, a glossary, and references). [For Volume II, see ED499644.] (ERIC).
AnmerkungenNational Science Foundation. 4201 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, VA 22230. Tel: 703-292-7000; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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