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Sonst. PersonenMason, John P. (Hrsg.); Clark, Mari H. (Hrsg.)
InstitutionCollege of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA. Dept. of Anthropology.
TitelNew Directions in U.S. Foreign Assistance and New Roles for Anthropologists. Studies in Third World Societies, Publication Number Forty-Four.
Quelle(1991), (174 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAnthropology; Developing Nations; Foreign Countries; Foreign Policy; Futures (of Society); International Relations; Social Scientists; World Affairs
AbstractGiven recent developments throughout the world, the status of U.S. foreign assistance policies is uncertain. This document is a collection of papers whose authors, all anthropologists concerned with developing nations, critically examine new directions in development assistance in the 1990s. The papers include an introduction (M. Clark; J. Mason); "The Future of Foreign Assistance" (G. Britan); "Humanizing the Development Paradigm" (M. Clark); "Actions of the U.S. Congress toward Environmentally Sustainable Foreign Assistance" (K. Moran); "Restructuring National Economies: The Challenge to Development Anthropology" (P. Boyle); "Social and Institutional Analysis in the African Economic Policy Reform Program" (P. Vondal); "Development Anthropology in a Rapidly Urbanizing World" (J. Mason); "Gender Issues in Microenterprise Assistance" (M. Clark); "The Development Fund for Africa: New Opportunities for Anthropology in A.I.D." (D. Hess); and "Practicing the Anthropology of Development: Comments on 'Anthropology and Foreign Assistance'" (R. Netting). (DB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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