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Autor/inn/enPratt, Cornelius B.; McLaughlin, Gerald W.
TitelNigerian Journalists' Perceptions of Editorial Ethics and of the Role of Editorials in National Development.
Quelle(1989), (75 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterCodes of Ethics; Content Analysis; Developing Nations; Discriminant Analysis; Editorials; Foreign Countries; Mass Media Role; Media Research; Newspapers; Press Opinion; Nigeria
AbstractA study examined Nigerian journalists' self-reported perceptions of editorial ethics and of the role of editorials in national development, comparing data with an earlier content analysis of the ethics of newspaper editorials. Subjects, 348 full-time, salaried Nigerian journalists on nine national newspapers in two newspaper ownership groups, private and government, answered a self-administered questionnaire. Results indicated that: (1) the private and government journalists, as newspaper groups, showed more ethical similarities than differences, but between-group differences were not apparent in any of the three overall measures of utilitarian, deontological, and situation ethics; (2) differences in the mean scores of the three measures of ethics for both newspaper groups were clearly consistent with the results of an earlier content-analytical study of the editorial ethics of the newspapers that the sample journalists in the present study represent; and (3) the preference for utilitarian ethics was higher than for deontological and situation ethics. Findings of the study question the implications for national development of the simple, traditional distinction between government and private newspapers in sub-Saharan Africa. (Four notes, seven tables of data, and one figure are included, and 61 references are appended.) (MS)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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