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Autor/inMiller, Loretta Diane
TitelAre Developmental Programs at the College Level Doing Their Job?
Quelle(1980), (14 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterBasic Skills; College Mathematics; Curriculum Development; Developmental Studies Programs; Evaluation; Higher Education; Learning Problems; Mathematics Curriculum; Mathematics Instruction; Remedial Mathematics; Student Characteristics; Undergraduate Study
AbstractConducted during the 1979-80 school year, this study gathered statistical information as to the success of the developmental mathematics program at Arkansas State University (ASU). The investigation focused on a comparison between Foundation Mathematics students who took Basic Mathematics as a follow-up course and pupils who enrolled in Basic Mathematics without first taking Foundation Mathematics. Success was determined by looking at the grades achieved by both groups of pupils in Basic Mathematics. Among the findings, the data revealed that 32 of 38 pupils who took Basic Mathematics after Foundation Mathematics passed; whereas, only 33 of 50 pupils who took Basic Mathematics alone were successful. The information provided by this investigation supported the hypothesis that the developmental mathematics program at ASU is "doing its job," with Foundation Mathematics successfully serving as a preparatory class for Basic Mathematics. (MP)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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