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Ariadne Pfad:


Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige

Autor/inKrumme, Ursel
InstitutionWashington Univ., Seattle. School of Nursing.
TitelAnalysis and Revision of the Baccalaureate Program in Nursing at the University of Washington School of Nursing. Final Project Report.
Quelle(1976), (242 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterBachelors Degrees; Curriculum Development; Degree Requirements; Educational Assessment; Higher Education; Nurses; Nursing; Program Descriptions; Program Development; Program Evaluation
AbstractA project in major curriculum revision for a baccalaureate program in nursing accomplished: (1) extensive review of the present and future educational health and nursing care needs; (2) development of a philosophy of nursing education; (3) development of a set of terminal program objectives; (4) development of a statement about the graduate of the revised program; (5) development of a curriculum model; (6) development of courses for the revised curriculum; (7) approval of the revised curriculum; (8) development of an overall evaluation plan; (9) implementation of part of that evaluation plan by testing students and faculty; (10) reporting the results and literature review of student and faculty testing; (11) implementation of sophomore and junior year courses and planning for senior year courses; and (12) delineation of a curricular pattern for the registered nurse student. (Author/KE)
AnmerkungenUniversity of Washington, School of Nursing, Seattle, Washington.
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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