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Autor/inn/enFribush, Stuart L.; Larson, Thomas A.
InstitutionAssociation of American Medical Colleges, Washington, DC.; Health Resources Administration (DHEW/PHS), Bethesda, MD. Bureau of Health Resources Development.
TitelMedical School Characteristics Associated with Faculty Participation in Federal Programs.
[Report No.: DHEW-RHA-75-74
Quelle(1975), (51 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterClinical Experience; Educational Objectives; Federal Programs; Graduate Study; Higher Education; Medical Education; Medical Schools; Models; Statistical Analysis; Teacher Attitudes; Teacher Participation
AbstractThis document attempts to quantify the objectives of various Federal programs of support to medical schools and to examine the extent to which these objectives have been met. It utilizes a multivariate regression model to investigate variations among the characteristics of 50 medical schools in 1972 associated with high and low faculty participation in federal programs. It presents four factors as possible participation rates in National Institutes of Health (NIH) training grants and in other federal programs: (1) propensity of the medical school to produce graduates later employed in academic medicine; (2) experience of the faculty with respect to previous participation in federal programs; (3) emphasis on graduate training in the basic sciences; and (4) clinical orientation of the medical school. Utilizing nine variables to describe the four predictors, a model was devised that predicts faculty participation rates in the NIH training grant programs among the medical schools. Using the same variables, a similar model was developed to predict participation in other federal programs, primarily NIH research programs. (Author/KE)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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