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Autor/inn/enCarroll, Adger B.; Ihnen, Loren A.
InstitutionNorth Carolina State Univ., Raleigh. Center for Occupational Education.
TitelA Study of Supply and Demand for High School Vocational Teachers in Three Southeastern States.
[Report No.: Cen-Res-Monog-5
Quelle(1972), (60 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterEducational Economics; Employment Level; Mathematical Models; Predictor Variables; Secondary School Teachers; Statistical Analysis; Teacher Employment; Teacher Salaries; Teacher Shortage; Teacher Supply and Demand; Teaching Experience; Vocational Education Teachers
AbstractA key factor in educational planning is providing for an adequate and appropriate supply of teachers for future occupational education needs. This study develops an economic demand and supply model for vocational teachers in secondary schools, a model of the market for teacher services. Data for the study were taken from census reports and from State directors of vocational education in North Carolina, Georgia, and Tennessee. Variables used in the analysis included the number of employed teachers, average annual salary, related employment, education level, experience variables in developing models of the demand for and supply of teacher services and also demonstrate the difficulties in measuring the relationships involved. (MF)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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