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Autor/inHebel, Sara
TitelHigher Education's Grade for Data: "Incomplete"
QuelleIn: Chronicle of Higher Education, 55 (2008) 16, (1 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterHigher Education; Research Problems; Academic Achievement; Grades (Scholastic); Report Cards; State Surveys; Educational Assessment; Statistical Bias
AbstractThe latest national report card on higher education, as in the past, handed out a lot of "incompletes." Like the student who keeps forgetting to turn in that lab report, the grades can't be computed without all the data. There's a lot policy makers don't know about their states' higher-education performance, and the gaps in information limit the abilities of lawmakers to fix perennial concerns, like how to attract more low-income and minority students, reduce the need for remedial education, and move more students through college within six years or less. As in previous report cards, the policy center gave all states an "incomplete" in the category of learning. The report's authors cited a persistent lack of sufficient data to allow meaningful state-by-state comparisons about the kinds of knowledge and skills students gain at their institutions. Some voluntary systems set up by college groups, states, and others to assess student achievement are creating more openness and helping institutions identify improvements, but the data sets are not comparable and do not provide many states complete information about their population. Some college groups oppose a more comprehensive data collection, arguing that it would not yield enough key data to justify possible intrusion of student privacy. (ERIC).
AnmerkungenChronicle of Higher Education. 1255 23rd Street NW Suite 700, Washington, DC 20037. Tel: 800-728-2803; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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