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Autor/inChristodoulou, Niki
TitelPolitics, Violence, and Education: Other People's Countries.
Quelle(2003), (10 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterStellungnahme; Educational Objectives; Foreign Countries; Higher Education; Politics; Terrorism; Violence; World Affairs; Cyprus; Saudi Arabia; United States
AbstractThis paper's purpose is to illustrate, through the author's personal experiences, that violent actions occur in the world that affect people, countries, and relations in multiple levels and numerous ways. Using autobiographical inquiry, the author narrates how she experienced violence in three different countries in which she has lived. In Cyprus, her home country, she experienced what it means to be a refugee, and what it means to live in an occupied country. In Saudi Arabia, she experienced what it means to be oppressed, and what it means not to be respected as a human being due to gender, religion, culture, and traditions. In the United States, she experienced the consequences of terrorism, destruction, imperialism, and its aftermath. The paper explores issues of power, violence, and "otherness." It focuses on the devastation, destruction, pain, and sadness any activity of terrorism causes. It tries to show that with war, people cannot achieve freedom, and that with power, or with activities that aim in displaying power, people cannot save the world, nor make it a better place. The paper states that the U.S. involvement in the politics of other countries occurs in a way that serves mainly its own purposes. The paper seeks to show, through narrating the author's story, that there are consequences for what the United States does in other countries, offering the example of Cyprus. It also intends to show that education should be the means in making a difference, not power or violence. (Author/BT)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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