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Autor/inn/enSlater, Marsha; Allsman, Ava; Savage, Ron; Havens, Lani; Blohm, Judee; Raftery, Kate
InstitutionPeace Corps, Washington, DC. Information Collection and Exchange Div.
TitelRoles of the Volunteer in Development: Toolkits for Building Capacity.
Quelle(2002), (275 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Adult Education; Adult Literacy; Adult Programs; Case Studies; Change Agents; Classroom Techniques; Community Development; Economic Development; Educational Cooperation; Educational Practices; Educational Resources; Foreign Countries; Glossaries; Guidelines; Indigenous Populations; Leadership; Learning Activities; Learning Processes; Lesson Plans; Literacy Education; Mentors; Models; Nonprofit Organizations; Participation; Participative Decision Making; Partnerships in Education; Planning; Postsecondary Education; Program Development; Resource Materials; Sustainable Development; Trainers; Training Methods; Voluntary Agencies; Volunteer Training; Volunteers
AbstractThis document, which was developed to assist Peace Corps volunteers and those responsible for training them, presents an introductory booklet and six toolkits for use in the training provided to and by volunteers involved in community development. All the materials emphasize long-term participatory approaches to sustainable development and a capacity building framework. The six toolkits each focus on one of the following roles of volunteers: (1) learner; (2) change agent; (3) co-trainer; (4) co-facilitator; (5) project co-planner; and (6) mentor. Each toolkit contains the following items: (1) a knowledge, skills, and attitudes matrix and learning plan; (2) models, concepts, and cases; (3) ideas and activities for practicing the role under discussion; and (4) a list of key resources for additional information and insight. The following are among the types and topics of learning activities presented: community walks; community mapping; shadowing community coaches; gaining local technical knowledge; attending local meetings; keeping a journal; conducting a capacity inventory; communicating to persuade or influence; assessing learners and setting goals; using "decision dots"; using "snow" cards; practicing problem-solving techniques; reaching consensus in a group; finding resources inside communities; identifying locally acceptable ways for communities to raise funds for projects; identifying mentoring resources in communities; active listening; and brainstorming about mentoring links in local communities. (MN)
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Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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