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Autor/inGerlicher, Cathie
TitelOlder Women and Their Career Decisions and Compromise.
Quelle(2002), (38 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdult Education; Aging (Individuals); Career Awareness; Career Change; Career Choice; Career Guidance; Decision Making; Females; Flexible Scheduling; Life Events; Middle Aged Adults; Midlife Transitions; Occupational Segregation; Older Workers; Self Concept; Sex Fairness; Sex Role; Sex Stereotypes; Socialization; Vocational Maturity; Womens Education
AbstractCareer theory is not a new topic, but one with an interesting past. The theories have been developed through working with men in the early days of the study of careers, modified to add women, and then modified even more for men and women in transition. Making a career decision is not a single event that takes place only in one's early adulthood, but might happen on other occasions during the life span. As the theory changes, different considerations are evident in the research. Much interest is focused on career transitions and the life change involved in breaking a career pattern. Factors such as changing economies, role expectations, more women in higher education and the workplace have caused theories to be modified and changed. Two implications of a study that investigated what women had done when faced with midlife career changes and how they made their choices were noteworthy and are as follows: (1) the socialization of girls and women and the correlation to their career choice and (2) the apparent need for flexible programming for women. The women in the study who initially focused on being "stay-at-home-mothers" have all chosen traditional women's occupations--a typical pattern according to Gottfredson's theory about early socialization and the tendency for women to choose gender-acceptable occupations. Career planning and vocational maturity need to consider the whole woman and all her needs, which is difficult when the flexibility of time is not available. (Contains 77 references.) (YLB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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