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Autor/inWills, Sandra
TitelFlexible Learning at the Crossroads: Are Our Teachers Ready?
Quelle(2000), (11 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdult Education; Case Studies; Developed Nations; Distance Education; Educational Research; Faculty Development; Foreign Countries; Higher Education; Information Technology; Inservice Teacher Education; Staff Development; Technological Advancement; Australia
AbstractA study reflected on managing technological change in teaching and learning, with particular emphasis on staff development. It drew on two national reports in Australia. One report team interviewed senior management in 50 percent of Australian universities. The other reviewed 104 nationally funded information technology (IT) based teaching projects. These recommendations were made with implications for staff development: staff development opportunities should be provided in the areas of project management, working effectively in teams, evaluation of IT projects, and legal issues related to IT development for current and potential project leaders; staff development opportunities should be provided in good practice in teaching; and opportunities should be provided for all team members who have developed successful projects to share their experiences and products with others. A number of staff development case studies were identified, most practicing what they preach by adopting flexible learning techniques to teach teachers by example about flexible learning. Among them were Project LEAD; Teaching at a Distance; Flexible Delivery Web site and videotape; Multimedia Pathways; First Fleet OnLine; NCODE Flexible Learning Web site and online workshops; Teleteaching 96; and Interactive Proceedings 94. (YLB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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