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Autor/inMcGlynn, Claire
TitelA Case Study of the Impact of Post Primary Integrated Education on Past Pupils in Northern Ireland.
Quelle(2000), (18 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterCase Studies; Catholics; Cultural Pluralism; Diversity (Student); Followup Studies; Foreign Countries; Protestants; Religious Conflict; Religious Cultural Groups; Religious Differences; Religious Factors; School Desegregation; Secondary Education; Student Attitudes; United Kingdom (Northern Ireland)
AbstractSince the early 1980s, efforts have increased to educate Catholic and Protestant students together in Northern Ireland. This case study examined the impact of mixed Protestant and Catholic education on former students' respect for diversity, friendship patterns, and their own religious, political, and cultural identity. A case study approach was used to examine two integrated post-primary schools established in 1981 and 1985, with questionnaires sent to past pupils and semi-structured focus group interviews conducted as a follow-up. This report focuses on the questionnaire results. The majority of individuals in the sample of 112 had attended the integrated post-primary school for at least 5 years. The findings revealed that nearly all respondents felt that attending an integrated school had made a significant impact on their lives. Thirty-three percent perceived that their religious or political identity had changed due to their experiences at the integrated school, resulting in greater respect for diversity. About 60 percent maintained that they were more tolerant as a result. One third of the sample had a partner of a different religious persuasion. Although 41 percent were optimistic about the potential of a Northern Ireland Assembly, 33 percent were pessimistic. There was consensus that integrated schooling was the best way to promote community tolerance. (Contains 30 references.) (KB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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