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InstitutionOrganisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, Paris (France).
TitelReviews of National Policies for Education - Czech Republic.
Quelle(1996), (188 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterComparative Education; Economic Development; Educational Assessment; Educational Change; Educational Development; Educational Planning; Educational Policy; Elementary Secondary Education; Foreign Countries; Higher Education; International Cooperation; Program Improvement; Strategic Planning; Czech Republic
AbstractThis report analyzes the difficulties encountered in the transformation of education in the Czech Republic and identifies change in policies and structures that could stimulate further reform in the needed directions. The book contains two parts with 15 chapters. Part 1 describes the development of education since the political change as rapid and responsive in some areas and less substantial and constrained in others. Part 1 chapters include: (1) "Educational Reform in the Context of Transition"; (2) "Human Resources, Socio-economic and Political Developments"; (3) "Institutional Structure and Curriculum Changes: Quantitative and Qualitative Developments"; (4) "Working Conditions and Training of Teachers"; (5) "Governance, Administration and Evaluation of the Education System"; (6) "New Approaches to Educational Financing"; and (7) "Conclusions and Key Issues." Part 2 is the Examiners' Report which addresses the new expectations for Czech education and training and contains the 11 recommendations for new policies and structures which could promote and support needed change. Part 2 chapters include: (1) "Human Resources Development in a Transition Economy"; (2) "Structuring the Education System for Equity"; (3) "Curriculum Development in General Education"; (4) "Student Progression and Assessment"; (5) "Reinforcing Quality in the Teaching Force"; (6) "Effective Administration and Quality Assurance"; (7) "Vocational and Technical Education and Training"; and (8) "Recommendations." (EH)
AnmerkungenOrganization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Commission of the European Communities, Head of Publications Service, 2, rue Andre-Pascal, 75775 Paris CEDEX 16, France.
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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