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Autor/inn/enMoskowitz, Jay; und weitere
InstitutionPelavin Associates, Inc., Washington, DC.
TitelTargeting, Formula, and Resource Allocation Issues: Focusing Federal Funds Where the Needs Are Greatest. A Supplemental Volume to the National Assessment of the Chapter 1 Program.
Quelle(1993), (180 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterChildren; Compensatory Education; Disadvantaged Youth; Economically Disadvantaged; Educational Legislation; Elementary Secondary Education; Federal Aid; Federal Programs; Financial Support; Funding Formulas; Poverty; Public Schools; Resource Allocation; School Funds; School Support
AbstractThis report analyzes options for modifying the current provisions for allocating Chapter 1 funds to better meet the program's goals. The report is organized in seven sections. Following an executive summary and introductory remarks in section 1, section 2 analyzes the existing Chapter 1 funds allocation formulas. Section 3 analyzes the targeting of the Chapter 1 program, including the consequences of current formula provisions on the distribution of funds among schools, school districts, and counties; and the potential effects of selected formula alternatives designed to improve targeting. Section 4 analyzes demographic shifts in poverty among school-age children and youth from one decennial census to another and the resulting impact on the distribution of Chapter 1 funds among counties and states. Section 5 discusses the rationale for adjusting Chapter 1 allocations for interstate differences in costs, the redistributive effects of the current cost adjustment, the accuracy of the current per-pupil expenditure factor as a proxy for the cost of education, and the effects of substituting alternative cost proxies on the distribution of Chapter 1 funds among states and counties. Section 6 discusses the rationale for adjusting Chapter 1 allocations for interstate differences in fiscal capacity and fiscal effort, and examines the redistributive effects of doing so. Section 7 addresses Chapter 1 comparability requirements. Sixty-one exhibits illustrate the discussion. Three appendixes present tables of Chapter 1 funding and allocation data about 10 counties with the highest concentrations of poor children, the 10 largest school districts, and number threshold versus percentage threshold statistics. (Contains 36 references.) (GLR)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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