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Autor/inLacson, Jose D.
TitelFilipino Women in the Workplace.
Quelle(1991), (9 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterStellungnahme; Adult Education; Adult Programs; Economic Development; Employed Women; Entrepreneurship; Females; Foreign Countries; Job Skills; Job Training; Nontraditional Occupations; Program Implementation; Sex Discrimination; Sex Fairness; Trade and Industrial Education; Womens Education; Philippines
AbstractThe Women in Nontraditional Trades (WINT) project has implemented a new skills training program for women in the Philippines. It is being pilot tested in two regional training centers of the National Manpower and Youth Council in central Mindanao and southern Luzon. A major component of the WINT project is the provision of skills training for women in the trades. Options for self-employment are also provided. Other project activities include job placement assistance, training for placement officers and vocational guidance officers, and transportation of trainees. The project has trained 600 women. Large companies have shown flexibility and willingness to employ women in nontraditional jobs. Obstacles to gender equality in training and employment are inadequate and ineffective implementation of existing policies and women's lack of awareness of training opportunities and rights. Women continue to get lower pay due to employment in lower-skill job categories. Rural women remain invisible farmers who tend to be displaced by mechanization and very limited access to credit, agricultural services, training, and technology. Employed women suffer from business retrenchment and shutdowns in the manufacturing sector. A Philippine development plan for women addresses the concerns of women for equality and development across six major spheres: individual, family, sociocultural, economic, political, and legal. (YLB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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