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Autor/inn/enMcGee, Jerry C.; und weitere
InstitutionSam Houston State Univ., Huntsville, TX. Div. of Teacher Education.; Phi Delta Kappa, Huntsville, TX. Sam Houston State Univ. Chapter.
TitelA Study of Early Childhood Programs and Program Readiness in the Texas Public Schools, Ages Three through Five.
Quelle(1991), (19 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterEarly Childhood Education; Educational Legislation; Eligibility; Full Day Half Day Schedules; Lunch Programs; Preschool Children; Preschool Curriculum; Public Schools; School Activities; School Districts; School Readiness; State Aid; State Programs; Texas
AbstractThe Sam Houston State University Chapter of Phi Delta Kappa used a 32-item questionnaire to collect discrete data on early childhood programs in Texas. Also collected were individuals' impressions, attitudes, and readiness plans for early childhood program expansion. The survey was a response to legislative developments, particularly a 1990 Texas law providing for an optional 3-year-old program to serve disadvantaged children. Results of the survey are presented. Responses concern school district characteristics and respondents' professional positions, transportation and lunch programs, percentage of eligible children enrolled, funding for the 3-year-old program, school attendance and space, developmental play, parents' role in Texas's early childhood programs, teacher training and experience, and curriculum. Major findings are summarized. There was no difference between the responses of the total group of respondents and the Phi Delta Kappa subgroup. Results indicated that: (1) the movement for program expansion is viewed with mixed feelings; (2) a total of 43 percent of districts responding do not serve lunch to half-day students; (3) special assistance is needed if principals are to coordinate instructional and parenting programs; and (4) support monies will be needed if operational monies are provided. A copy of the questionnaire is included. (BC)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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