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Autor/inHowley, Craig B.
TitelJane Jacobs and the Dilemma of Life and Learning in Rural Areas.
Quelle(1990), (21 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterEconomic Impact; Educational Theories; Elementary Secondary Education; Role of Education; Rural Areas; Rural Development; Rural Economics; Rural Education; Rural Schools; School Role
AbstractRecent work by both neoclassical and political economists suggests the scope of the influence of economic structures on rural socioeconomic conditions and rural education. In particular, dual labor-market analyses look beneath the surface of the macroeconomy--the national economy--to the underlying reality of regional or sectoral economic structures. According to Jane Jacobs' economic critiques, macroeconomic analysis in large nations or empires obscures the importance of local structures and processes. Rural areas render specialized service to the national economy by serving as sites for specialized production of marginal enterprises including energy, minerals, food, and simple manufactured goods. A frequently endorsed strategy for rural development is the improvement of human capital in rural areas through education and training. This strategy is of questionable value as the socially created structures that govern the macroeconomy appear to require the economic marginality of rural areas. Rural schools that aim only to develop students' human capital are preparing them to accept the increasingly marginal role reserved for rural areas by the American macroeconomy. Schools can not directly change the social and economic structures in which they are embedded. Their mission, rather, should be to equip students with an intimate knowledge of their culture and with the tools of judgment and reason. This paper contain 68 references. (SV)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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