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Autor/inn/enOlivier, Peggy; und weitere
TitelEducational Excellence through Career-Vocational Education. Introduction, Goals, and Outcomes.
Quelle(1989), (13 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterAcademic Persistence; Career Education; Dropout Prevention; Dropout Programs; Dropouts; High Risk Students; Integrated Curriculum; School Holding Power; Secondary Education; Special Needs Students; State Curriculum Guides; California
AbstractThe Special Needs Unit of the Career-Vocational Education Division, California State Department of Education, began sponsoring a secondary school project in 1985 to combat California's high dropout rate. Eight secondary school sites in six districts were selected to develop schoolwide, integrated, career-oriented curriculum that would use the State Model Curriculum Standards and Frameworks for both academic and vocational subject areas. Technical assistance, guidance, and inservice workshops were provided by personnel from the University of California and the State Department of Education. School philosophies changed, curriculum review occurred in all areas, and business and industry and other community representatives became more involved in local education. Each school's main emphasis was to improve career-vocational education programs for disadvantaged students, although school personnel accurately anticipated that this would also benefit all students. Project personnel expected that by improving academic and career preparation, students would remain in school and thereby attain sufficient skills for higher education, employment, personal growth, citizenship, and ethical development. These expectations were met best at the schools that completed most of 42 project objectives and are evidenced by statistics such as the following from one school: (1) dropout rates decreased from 16 percent to 11 percent; (2) attendance rates increased by 1.8 percent; (3) teen pregnancies decreased by 50 percent; and (4) suspension days decreased by 84 percent. High school came to be viewed as a preparation for careers either at the completion of high school or through further education. (CML)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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