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Autor/inn/enWalberg, Herbert J.; Hess, G. Alfred, Jr.
TitelChicagoans View Their Public Schools. A Public Opinion Survey. Executive Summary.
Quelle(1985), (11 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterCurriculum; Educational Change; Educational Finance; Educational Quality; Elementary Secondary Education; Graduation Requirements; Public Opinion; School Community Relationship; School Effectiveness; School Role; Urban Schools
AbstractHighlights of a public opinion survey on the quality of Chicago Public Schools are presented in this executive summary of a more detailed report (UD 024 295). First, characteristics of public schools parents are outlined (although parents of students in private schools and non-parents were included in the survey). Public school parents, it is reported, are considerably poorer, less educated, more heavily minority, and more likely to have larger families than parents of non-public school children. Next, major survey findings are outlined. Major findings include the following: (1) Chicagoans as a whole give their public schools a "C" and parents of children in public schools rate the schols more highly. (2) Lack of discipline, gangs, and inadeqate funding are seen as the biggest problems. (3) More course requirements are favored. (4) High school students should pass a standard examination before graduation, the public believes. (5) When presented with a list of proposed school reforms, the respondents most favored giving help to slow students. (6) Chicagoans oppose proposals to lengthen the school day and year. (7) Respondents would increase teacher requirements. (8) Most feel principals should have more authority to run schools. (9) A majority feel the schools need more money. (10) Supplies, repairs, and special programs are considered the most important uses for any additional dollars. Seventeen bar graphs are included in the report. (KH)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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