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Autor/inn/enTait, John; und weitere
InstitutionNorth Central Regional Center for Rural Development, Ames, IA.
TitelCoping With Conflict: Strategies for Extension Community Development and Public Policy Professionals.
Quelle(1979), (178 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Tagungsbericht; Behavior; Community Development; Community Problems; Conflict; Coping; Crisis Intervention; Extension Agents; Organizations (Groups); Outcomes of Education; Professional Training; Skill Development; Social Attitudes; Staff Role; Values
AbstractParticularly in the area of community resource development and public issues, Extension personnel in recent years have had to deal with an increasing amount of conflict as professional educators. Extension workers with limited training in conflict management have had to cope with situations usually involving the nature of the problems, the data and information available, establishment of goals, alternative policies for goal achievement, allocation of scarce resources, and vested interests of individuals, informal groups, organizations, and communities. As a follow-up to a 1977 North Central Region Staff Development Workshop on Coping with Conflict, it was decided to develop a resource publication for staff development which would contain the major workshop presentations regarding social conflict. These papers relate to (1) social conflict in community resource development and public policy education, (2) the nature of social conflict and how it operates, (3) understanding conflict strategies and developing skills to deal with it, (4) managing stress in conflict situations, (5) coping with conflict among organizations, and (6) the role of the educator's values in conflict intervention. A final section presents an annotated bibliography of selected resources for dealing with social conflict. (BRR)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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