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Autor/inDeitch, Kenneth M.
TitelThe National Educational Loan Bank: A Proposal for Improving the System of Lending for Higher Education. Working Paper, Preliminary Draft.
Quelle(1979), (64 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterStellungnahme; Cost Effectiveness; Costs; Educational Economics; Educational Finance; Educational History; Efficiency; Federal Aid; Government Role; Higher Education; Insurance; Interest (Finance); Loan Repayment; Parent Participation; Student Financial Aid; Student Loan Programs
AbstractA National Education Loan Bank (NELB) is proposed as an alternative to existing federal loan programs for education, such as the National Direct Student Loan program and the Guaranteed Student Loan program. The history and structures of these two programs are detailed: financing, costs, insurance arrangements, agencies, volume, and interest rates. The proposed NELB has these features: (1) it is intended to greatly reduce the federal subsidy that keeps the other programs' interest rates low; (2) it would operate entirely on capital the government raises through borrowing; (3) it would transfer the task and paper work of loan origination from the bank to the financial aid officer, a substantial savings to the program; (4) it encourages and enables loans to parents as well as to students; and (5) it calls for collection to be managed by the Internal Revenue Service to minimize default. It is felt that with this program the cost per dollar loaned may drop 37.5 percent, some complexities would be eliminated, and the volume of loans would increase by $62.5 billion. Issues raised by this approach to educational loans--such as the principle of govenment subsidy and the reduced program flexibility--are discussed. (MSE)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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