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Autor/inn/enCarlson, Richard O.; und weitere
InstitutionSocial Science Education Consortium, Inc., Boulder, CO.
TitelThe Diffusion of Educational Innovation: Recommendations for Policy Makers and Administrators.
[Report No.: SSEC-Pub-181
Quelle(1975), (38 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdministrator Guides; Administrators; Change Agents; Change Strategies; Conferences; Diffusion; Educational Change; Educational Innovation; Elementary Secondary Education; Generalization; Methods; Social Sciences
AbstractThis document is one of two publications that resulted from the National Seminar on the Diffusion of New Instructional Materials and Practices held at the Wingspread Conference Center in Racine, Wisconsin in June 1973. It is written for and recommends diffusion methods to those who control the resources that are used to diffuse and implement educational innovation--school building and district administrators and policy makers, persons in state department of education, and officials in federal agencies supporting education. The paper consists of a set of 24 generalizations about dissemination of innovation and examples of how these generalizations can be applied. They are grouped into four categories: educational products, adopting systems, processes of development, and dissemination. For instance one generalization about adopting systems is "School districts and schools that place a high value on evaluation are more likely to adopt new products." In most cases examples of a generalization are cited for each level of policy making--building, district, state, and national. (Author/ND)
AnmerkungenPublications, Social Science Education Consortium, Inc., 855 Broadway, Boulder, Colorado 80302 (SSEC no. 181, $1.50 prepaid or purchase order)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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