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Autor/inn/enCarman, Priscilla S.; Van Horn, Barbara; Grumm, Margaret
InstitutionInstitute for Educational Leadership, Washington, DC.
TitelRosalie's Neighborhood. A Health Literacy Series for Parents with Young Children.
Quelle(1997), (230 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Unterricht; Lernender; Leitfaden; Unterricht; Lehrer; Adult Basic Education; Adult Literacy; Check Lists; Childrens Literature; Classroom Techniques; Communication Skills; Coping; Early Childhood Education; Family Literacy; Fused Curriculum; Health Promotion; High Interest Low Vocabulary Books; Literacy Education; Nonprofit Organizations; Parent Education; Preventive Medicine; Resource Materials; Short Stories; Skill Development; Teaching Methods
AbstractThis package consists of a facilitator's guide and three booklets that were developed to provide basic preventive health information for adults caring for young children and presents a story line with characters who become more self-confident in coping with children's health issues as they build their knowledge about preventive health. The stories, which are written at about a fourth-grade reading level, were reviewed by health and literacy educators and adult learners and pilot tested with adult participants in Even Start family literacy programs in Pennsylvania. The three stories, which revolve around a grandmother who is raising her granddaughter and two neighbors who are also raising children, deal with the following topics: communicating with children and helping them develop good communication skills; the concept of preventive health; and the importance of dental health and regular dentist visits. The facilitator's guide accompanying the three stories contains the following: explanations of several instructional techniques for building learners' literacy and thinking skills while imparting essential health information; suggestions for adapting the materials for different audiences, including adult beginning readers and nonnative speakers of English; discussion questions, transparency masters, and reproducible literacy activities; 50 recommended resources; and a glossary. (MN)
AnmerkungenNational Institute for Literacy Clearinghouse, CEGA Services, 3900 Industrial Avenue, Lincoln, NE 68504.
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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